Product Reviews

A four-year-old reacts to ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’

All the Peanuts holiday TV specials came out approximately forever ago. So for grownups like us who have seen them a good thirtysomething times by now, they’re not particularly new or exciting anymore. Unless you watch them with your kids, of course. When our family checked out “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” together a couple weeks ago, […]

Research For 'Rents

3 facts that prove your Elf on the Shelf is out to destroy you

Ah, the holidays are upon us. This probably means that a magical little Elf on the Shelf has returned from the North Pole to put smiles on your kids’ faces, and the joy of Christmas in their hearts. Not to mention a great big frigging knife right in your back. That’s right. Your Elf on […]

Product Reviews

A four-year-old reacts to ‘A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving’

Most of us adults have been exposed to Peanuts comic strips and cartoons since we were children. So by the time we become parents, we know exactly what to expect each time another Charlie Brown holiday special hits the air. But for our kids, it’s a whole other story. When our four-year-old daughter Sammy watched […]

Research For 'Rents

Your kid talks funny, but not for long

In our last post, “Why mispronouncing words is good for your kid,” we talked about how flubbing up all sorts of speech sounds is a totally normal part of your child’s language development. We even showed you this pretty cool chart that lets you know at which ages many common mispronunciations tend to disappear: What […]

Research For 'Rents

Why mispronouncing words is good for your kid

Kids say the darnedest things. And when they’re still little, they usually say the most poorly enunciated things too. The guy who wrote all those Family Circus comic strips back in the day made his entire living off this fact. Pasghetti and meat bulbs? Sounds like the perfect punch line to me! But sometimes parents […]

Ask The Doctor and The Dad

Is my kid becoming too competitive?

Today’s question might just be the very best question the Doctor + Dad have ever received. A competitive edge seems to have just popped up in my preschool-aged daughter and her buds. Like who’s the tallest, fastest, strongest, etc. What’s the deal with that? – Ashleigh Well Ashleigh, we know what you mean. Just like […]

The Junk Drawer

How to teach your kid a lesson he’ll never forget

Here at the Doctor and the Dad, we’re always giving parents tips for teaching stuff to their kids. But sometimes, children learn the most powerful lessons all by themselves. Just ask our just-turned-two-year-old son. Earlier this week, mere days before his birthday, our fearless little Freddy pulled a naptime family first – he escaped from […]