We just discovered Wes Tank, a guy who raps Dr. Seuss books over Dr. Dre beats…and it’s dope as hell. (Please don’t tell our kids we wrote that.)

We just discovered Wes Tank, a guy who raps Dr. Seuss books over Dr. Dre beats…and it’s dope as hell. (Please don’t tell our kids we wrote that.)
A while back, we wrote a review of a Nick Jr. cartoon called Shimmer and Shine. The article was titled “Why ‘Shimmer and Shine’ is not the worst kids TV show ever” – and we meant every single word of it. But my oh my, how things have changed. While every episode of Season 1 […]
Picture your perfect grocery shopping experience: You are gliding effortlessly from aisle to aisle, instantly finding each and every item you need. Everything’s on sale, your list is overflowing with deeply satisfying checkmarks, and your shopping cart wheels are completely squeak-free. Oh, and they’re playing Adele over the store’s loudspeakers. Yes, this day is a […]
Welcome to another installment of Kid Joke Korner, where the punch lines are plentiful and the spelling is krazy kute! Because joking around with your kids is seriously good for their development, we like to crack wise with our kiddos all the time. Each Kid Joke Korner features a real joke set-up that one of […]
By the time you get to be an adult, you probably have thousands upon thousands of song lyrics bouncing all around inside your brain. And every so often, you might want to belt a few of those lyrics out. Normally, this isn’t a problem. Singing in the shower or rockin’ out with the car radio […]
Our kids recently discovered a new Nick Jr. cartoon called Shimmer and Shine. Our initial thoughts about the show were: “Oh no, not another show to watch.” “The music in this thing is excruciating.” “Why are these animated prepubescent genie children wearing so much makeup?” But after overhearing enough fragments of the show ourselves – […]
Let’s play a word association game! We’ll show you a word, and then you say the first thing that comes to your mind. Ready? Here’s your word: Hootie So what did that make you think of? We’re guessing it might have been any or all of the following: The Blowfish Hold My Hand Onlywannabewithyoo-ooo-ooo That […]