Over the past few weeks we’ve given you some cool, research-based tips for pumping up your parental happiness, like this one and this one and this one too. Today we’re giving you one more tip…because giving makes us happy! You know how it feels to give someone a really great gift? You’ve gone out of your […]
Bad Baby Name #13
Grandpa. #BadBabyNames #WeKnowOldFashionedNamesAreTrendyButThisIsGoingTooFar #PeeEwwSmellsLikeGrandpaNeedsHisDiaperChanged More Bad Baby Names on Twitter @DoctorAndDad!
Parenting pyrotechnics
It’s extremely loud, more than a little scary, and over before you know it. Here’s what raising kids feels like, Fourth of July fireworks style! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Enjoy every second of it!
Magic Mom & Dad Moments
This is our third in a series of “Doctor and Dad” posts about research-based tips that can help make you the happiest parent possible. Check out our first and second articles here. When you’re a hardworking, always-doing-something-for-somebody-else-but-never-for-yourself parent, magic moments can seem pretty rare. But when they do happen, they’re awesome.
Have you seen that “First Moon Party” video that’s making the rounds on YouTube right now? It’s a commercial for HelloFlo, this website that sends women care packages full of menstruation-related necessities every 28 days or so. The ad is a well-shot, nicely acted story of a young girl who fakes her first period to fit […]
If you have little kids, then you probably also have lots and lots of children’s books all over your house. (If you don’t have lots and lots of children’s books all over your house, check out this big, important reason why you should get some!) Read a sampling of these tiny tomes, and you’ll probably […]
This is our second in a series of “Doctor and Dad” posts all about research-based tips that can help make you the happiest parent possible. Check out our first article here. They say that money can’t buy happiness. But according to current research, it looks like they might be wrong. When it comes to spending […]