Research For 'Rents

Read D+D at PBS!

This week, the Doctor and the Dad wrote an article for the PBS Parents website! It’s all about “household chaos” – how to identify it, how it can hurt your family, and how you can get it under control. It’s full of interesting research, helpful tips, and interactive diagrams like this: If you like the other stuff […]

The Junk Drawer

How having kids changes your life – now in chart form!

So the Doctor and the Dad recently celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary. In addition to giving us a legitimate reason to go out and eat excessive amounts of delicious seafood, this also spurred us to look back at everything we’ve done together over the past nine years. Know what we realized? As of right now, […]

The Junk Drawer

Parenting pyrotechnics

It’s extremely loud, more than a little scary, and over before you know it. Here’s what raising kids feels like, Fourth of July fireworks style! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Enjoy every second of it!