The Junk Drawer

‘Think Like a Baby’ now available in Korean!

Think Like a Baby books English Indian Korean

Are you a parent?
Would you like to know what’s really going on inside your child’s head?
And do you also speak Korean?

If you answered yes to all of those questions, we have some great news for you:

Our fun and informative parenting book, Think Like a Baby: 33 Simple Research Experiments You Can Do at Home to Better Understand Your Child’s Developing Mind, is now available in Korean!

Just like the English and Indian versions of the book, the new Korean translation of Think Like a Baby shows parents how easy, enlightening and totally entertaining it can be to perform real scientific experiments at home on your kids. You’ll see with your own eyes precisely where your children are at all different stages of development from ages 0 through 7 and beyond – plus learn tips about how to use what they do and do not yet know to your advantage.

Unlike the other versions of our book, this one has cool, bumpy letters on the cover, plus several blindingly bright pink pages! Check ‘em out!

Think Like a Baby book Korean bumpy letters

Think Like a Baby book Korean pink pages

We managed to track down the book on the website of our Korean publisher, Sigma Books. Then we copied and pasted some of the Korean text there into Google Translate. If everything there is to be believed, then this is an actual excerpt from our book:

The first year of your child’s life is a time of tremendous change. At the beginning of this year, a baby is a tiny little man who does not even fit his body, but by the end of time it will be a little bit of a human being whirling around all the way around you.

…We don’t really know this for sure, but we’re crossing our fingers that all that awkwardness is just Google’s fault!

행복한 육아, 모두들!
(Happy parenting, everybody!)

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