Here at The Doctor and The Dad, we’ve got a serious bone to pick with walkers. What kind of walkers, you ask? All of ‘em. So let’s get right to it. Baby Walkers
Product Review: Walkers

Here at The Doctor and The Dad, we’ve got a serious bone to pick with walkers. What kind of walkers, you ask? All of ‘em. So let’s get right to it. Baby Walkers
First name: Jenna. Middle name: Talia. #BadBabyNames #AlthoughItDoesSoundKindOfPrettyWhenYouSayItOutLoud More Bad Baby Names coming soon to Twitter @DoctorAndDad!
Marla asked the Doctor and the Dad the following question, and fortunately, we could understand every word of it: Why does my 14-month-old sound like he speaks a different language? What is he saying? How can I know? Should I repeat the sounds back? Or just keep talking to him normally? Or both? – Marla […]
Tired of your kid’s same old “build a tower, then immediately knock the tower down” routine? Add this simple twist to your usual block-stacking activity, and it becomes fresh, fun and educational, too! Who It’s For: Kids ages 1–5 What They’ll Learn: Counting skills, motor skills, measurement, comparison, how gravity works What You Need: Whatever […]
Lola At The Library, written by Anna McQuinn and illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw, is a kid’s book, but it contains a pretty valuable lesson for parents to learn as well.
Who It’s For: Kids ages 1 to 5 years What They’ll Learn: Motor skills, shape recognition, color comprehension, number knowledge, letter knowledge, pattern recognition What You Need: Fishy crackers, fruit snacks (or any other fun, bite-sized foods you can play with) Think snacks are only good for helping your children avoid starvation in between meals? […]
Our longest “Ask the Doctor (or the Dad)” question to date comes from a shell-shocked guy named Gar: My three year old is a terrorist. He cries to get what he wants (e.g., toys, a bathroom chaperone, cookies). Lately, we have started fighting terror with terror, putting him in timeout or threatening his beloved stuffed animals […]