For twins: Trite and Cliché. #BadBabyNames #SurprisinglyNotOnAnyTopBabyNameLists More Bad Baby Names on Twitter @DoctorAndDad!
Author: The Doctor and The Dad

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Here are a few things that the Doctor and the Dad’s family is thankful for this year: Sammy Our three-year-old daughter told us that she is thankful for books. We’d be more thankful if we actually had enough shelf space to hold said books, as they seem to be multiplying and completely taking […]
Happy (Family) Meals

If you’re like most Americans, you’re making plans for a pretty important meal later on this week. And no, we’re not talking about 4 a.m. corn dogs in the Kohl’s parking lot Black Friday morning. Thanksgiving dinner is a wonderful time to sit down and connect with family and friends. But if holiday meals seem […]
Bad Baby Name #6
Turducken. #BadBabyNames #AwkwardIfHeEverBecomesVegetarian, plus #TheOnlyObviousNicknameIsTurd More Bad Baby Names on Twitter @DoctorAndDad!

Are you one of the approximately 85 billion people out there ((This figure not at all accurate)) who have helped a recent YouTube commercial for GoldieBlox become a viral video sensation? In it, three young girls turn their entire house and all of its contents into an impressively elaborate Rube Goldberg machine, they sing a […]

The Original Mother Goose, illustrated by Blanche Fisher Wright, is a collection of nursery rhymes that has been sitting on our daughter’s bookshelf since before she was born. It’s a big, heavy, hardbound thing with pages pretty enough to make you worry about them getting ripped apart whenever your youngster starts flipping through it. But […]

Today’s question comes to us from just about everyone who has ever seen our one-year-old son scoot his cute little baby body across the floor. Why is your baby crawling like that? Is this for real? What the H is going on here? I mean seriously, whaaaaaattt??? – Just About Everyone Well, everyone, thanks for the […]