Ask The Doctor and The Dad

Ask D+D: Why is your baby crawling funny?

Today’s question comes to us from just about everyone who has ever seen our one-year-old son scoot his cute little baby body across the floor. Why is your baby crawling like that? Is this for real? What the H is going on here? I mean seriously, whaaaaaattt??? – Just About Everyone Well, everyone, thanks for the […]

Ask The Doctor and The Dad

Ask D+D: Is my child regressing?

My two-year-old daughter still sucks her thumb when she is tired and drifting off to sleep. Lately though, she does it during the day, she’s sucked on a younger child’s pacifier at daycare, and she sucks on a toy pacifier that came with one of her dolls. Is she regressing developmentally? Could the fact that […]

Ask The Doctor and The Dad

Ask D+D: Over or under?

This question wasn’t technically submitted to us, but rather to anyone who happened to see it posted on Facebook over this past weekend. But because it covers such an important issue for parents, we thought we’d go ahead and chime in about it anyway. Question: – The Funny FARM

Ask The Doctor and The Dad

Ask D+D: What is normal imaginative play?

Today, Megan asks an important question for anyone who has kids, ponies or dragons at home: My 36-month-old has gone from pretending she and her stuffed animals are cartoon characters (which gave us some laughs at first) to now assigning names like “Rainbow Dash” to handfuls of random kids she meets at the park, and […]

Ask The Doctor and The Dad

Ask D+D: Why does my kid sound like he speaks a different language?

Marla asked the Doctor and the Dad the following question, and fortunately, we could understand every word of it: Why does my 14-month-old sound like he speaks a different language? What is he saying? How can I know? Should I repeat the sounds back? Or just keep talking to him normally? Or both? – Marla […]

Ask The Doctor and The Dad

Ask D+D: My three-year-old is a terrorist.

Our longest “Ask the Doctor (or the Dad)” question to date comes from a shell-shocked guy named Gar: My three year old is a terrorist. He cries to get what he wants (e.g., toys, a bathroom chaperone, cookies). Lately, we have started fighting terror with terror, putting him in timeout or threatening his beloved stuffed animals […]

Ask The Doctor and The Dad

Ask D+D: How do you get babies to sleep through the night?

Our first “Ask the Doctor (or the Dad)” question comes to us from a presumably sleep-deprived and bedhead-ridden mom named Heather: How do you get babies to sleep through the night? – Heather Thanks for the question, Heather. We assume you mean your babies, not the neighbor’s babies or some random babies from the next […]