Research For 'Rents

Baby massage: a touching way to control temper tantrums

How does a nice, relaxing massage sound right about now? Oh sorry, not for you. For your kid.


Playtime! Activity: “Ice, Ice, Baby” science experiment

Vanilla Ice was king of the suburban rap scene for a good three or four months back in middle school. But if you want to help your kids become fans of science for a lot longer than that, just get them to stop, collaborate and listen to this totally fun experiment! Who It’s For: Kids ages […]

The Junk Drawer

How having kids changes your life – now in chart form!

So the Doctor and the Dad recently celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary. In addition to giving us a legitimate reason to go out and eat excessive amounts of delicious seafood, this also spurred us to look back at everything we’ve done together over the past nine years. Know what we realized? As of right now, […]

The Junk Drawer

Creative ways to communicate with kids

Communicating with your kids is super important. But it doesn’t always come easily. Check out this creative strategy one dad is taking to try to get through to his kids: According to writer/director/leading dad Will Reid, this will be the “first in a series of instructional videos” for his kids. That’s right. Dude was so sick of […]