Research For 'Rents

D+D on PBS: Making Patterns Count

In the Doctor and the Dad’s newest article on the PBS Parents website, we show you: a cool way to play, talk and learn with your child Then we show you: a cool way to play, talk and learn with your child After that, we show you: a cool way to play, talk and learn […]

Research For 'Rents

Can four-letter words help kids learn faster?

Here’s a cool little fact to keep in mind next time you try to teach your child something: Kids learn better when lessons are tailored to things that they’re already interested in. That’s right!


Playtime! Activity: Add ‘Em Up

So your little ones want to play a board game, but you’d rather not expose them to the high fructose corn syrup fantasy world perpetuated by Candy Land, or to Trouble’s sexually suggestive “Pop-O-Matic” bubble? We’ve all been there. Thankfully, here’s a game you can let your kids play that will keep their souls innocent […]