You know those online quizzes that ask you a bunch of questions so that they can guess your hometown, your age or what flavor of pie you should be?
Well we decided to make one of our own. Except ours is exactly one question long. Why only one question? Because that’s all it takes to positively, definitely determine whether or not you are a parent.
And here it is:
1) Which of the following TV commercials – both featuring Lionel Richie’s awesome ’80s love ballad “Hello” – speaks to you the most?
If you picked the Starburst commercial, you might be in high school. You probably have trouble finding dates. And you definitely don’t have kids.
If you picked the Dignity Health Birth Centers commercial, you might have teared up a little. You probably don’t think that song is nearly as cheesy as you used to. And you are definitely a Mom or Dad!
So how’d we do? Go ahead and tell us how incredibly right we were in the comments below!
2 replies on “How your reaction to Lionel Richie’s “Hello” reveals with 100% accuracy whether or not you have kids”
Yes, I picked the Birth Center commercial and, while my husband and I are not parents, we ARE a PANK (Professional Aunt No Kids) and PUNK (Professional Uncle No Kids) who have 20-year-old nephew we have co-parented all his life (who is DRIVING US NUTS which his choices (Babies/Kids are EASIER)) and a ‘kind of-adopted’ 25 year-old daughter who ‘has it together.’
Thanks for letting us know that our quiz works for PANKS and PUNKS too!