Research For 'Rents

D+D on PBS: Why your family should be funny

If you’ve ever read our blog, bought our highly rated parenting book, or spoken to us for at least thirty seconds straight, you know that the Doctor and the Dad like to crack us some jokes. Ask our kids about it, and they’ll tell you the exact same thing. (Except for the nonverbal three-month-old, who’ll audibly fill her […]

Product Reviews

Potty Training in One Day: a review of a thing you would never believe is possible until you actually do it yourself

So how long do you think it should take to potty train a child? A month? A year? Approximately for-freaking-ever? Well you could do it that way. Or you could save yourself some serious time and do it like we did. We’ve potty trained two kids – in a total of two days. That’s right, […]

Product Reviews

What it’s like to live-tweet a vasectomy

Now that The Doctor has spent a solid 27 months of her life carrying and delivering three adorable little babies for our family, last Friday marked The Dad’s turn to finally take one for the team. So he got a vasectomy. And as a public service to all the dads out there who might be […]

Research For 'Rents

D+D on PBS: Making Patterns Count

In the Doctor and the Dad’s newest article on the PBS Parents website, we show you: a cool way to play, talk and learn with your child Then we show you: a cool way to play, talk and learn with your child After that, we show you: a cool way to play, talk and learn […]

The Junk Drawer

Learning lessons from loss

We’re writing this post today with heavy hearts. A few days ago, the sister of a dear friend of ours from college was in a terrible car accident, which took the lives of her son, daughter and fiancé. To lose a child is an unthinkable tragedy. To lose both of your children, plus the person […]


Playtime! Activity: Riddle me this

Remember trying to solve riddles back when you were a kid? No, not the riddle of how to tease your bangs taller than Lisa Turtle’s or how to do that two-man Kid N’ Play dance without falling flat on your face. We’re talking about those brain-bending word puzzles that force you think about a problem from […]

Research For 'Rents

D+D on PBS: Should you care about sibling rivalry?

Officially, the Doctor and the Dad love all our articles on the PBS Parents website the same. But secretly, we love our newest article the most. If that fact causes our articles to get in a big, jealous fight with each other over our affections, so be it. We’re not worried about sibling rivalry. In fact, that’s […]