
Bringing Up Bookmonsters: New Book Available Now!

Learn how to set your kids up for a lifetime of literacy, with no quizzes, timers or flashcards required!

Product Reviews

We cannot recommend the Dr. Seuss / Dr. Dre mashup rap stylings of Wes Tank highly enough

We just discovered Wes Tank, a guy who raps Dr. Seuss books over Dr. Dre beats…and it’s dope as hell. (Please don’t tell our kids we wrote that.)

Research For 'Rents

D+D on PBS: How Important is Handwriting These Days?

Think about the last time you wrote something. Did it involve pencil and paper? Or fingertips and a phone screen? In today’s digital world, we adults seem to be doing less old-school writing than ever before. But what would happen if we let our kids follow our lead, do all their writing on a device, […]

Product Reviews

The very best gift for parents EVER!

NOTE: This article was originally posted on December 3, 2015. It’s been updated to include a NEW discount code for 2017. Enjoy! Looking for the perfect Christmas gift, Hanukkah gift, birthday present or baby shower gift to buy a parent you know? Well we already told you about the second-best gift for parents you can […]

Ask The Doctor and The Dad

Ask D+D: Why doesn’t my three-year-old recognize letters yet?

Today’s “Ask the Doctor + the Dad” question comes from a parent with big concerns about her little kiddo: At age 3, is it concerning when a child can’t recognize letters? My son’s preschool teacher mentioned that other kids in the class already know them. I have an older child, but I can’t remember when she […]

Product Reviews

Kids Book Review: The Bear’s Song

Our family loves the library. For us, there are few things better than setting the kids loose at the entrance of the children’s section, and letting them gather sacks and sacks of as many books as their tiny arms – and library card limits – can hold. Sure, we wind up having to carry most […]

Not-So-Easy Reader

Not-So-Easy Reader #1

Welcome to a brand new feature here at The Doctor + The Dad: The Not-So-Easy Reader! As parents, we always love to see our kids take an interest in reading and writing – since building those skills now can lead to greater success in school, work and overall happiness throughout their lives. The only problem?