Like looking at art, but don’t like feeling pressured to come up with a bunch of insightfully pretentious stuff to say about it?
Just do what the Doctor and the Dad did this week – skip the museum and go check out an art show at your child’s preschool instead!
When your kids work on art projects, they can boost their creativity and develop fine motor skills. And when you view works of art created exclusively by tiny children, you won’t be expected to say one intelligent word about negative space, the avant-garde or “what the artist was trying to say.”
So now that the pressure’s totally off, feel free to wax poetic on a few of our favorite pieces of kids’ art. Or just giggle about the fact that “art” rhymes with “fart.”
That’s probably what all the artists were doing anyway.

Share your favorite stories about kids’ art – or jokes about hilarious bodily functions – in the comments below!