First name: Cherries. Middle name: Jubilee. #BadBabyNames #SoSweetAndStrippery More Bad Baby Names on Twitter @DoctorAndDad!
Author: The Doctor and The Dad

Sometimes when things are at their worst – the kids woke you up extra extra early this morning, every attempt at a conversation turns into a tantrum instead, the house looks like a tornado is currently storming through it, and you’re starting to think that the stain you found on your shirt sleeve might not […]
Happy Mother’s Day!

In honor of Mother’s Day this weekend, our one- and three-year-old kids decided to give their mom a break and write this blog post for her. Here’s what they came up with:

Like looking at art, but don’t like feeling pressured to come up with a bunch of insightfully pretentious stuff to say about it? Just do what the Doctor and the Dad did this week – skip the museum and go check out an art show at your child’s preschool instead! When your kids work on […]

If you happen to be one of those parents who is also a totally talented, movie-making special effects whiz, you can create some truly extraordinary experiences for your child. Here’s what we’re talking about, courtesy of DreamWorks animator Daniel Hashimoto and his three-year-old son James: As amazingly fun as those “Action Movie Kid” videos are, […]

Did you know that bullying can start as early as preschool? D’oh! As if maintaining a three-foot-high beehive hairstyle or avoiding nuclear contamination at work every day didn’t give you enough to worry about, right? Even if you haven’t yet had to deal with your kids getting picked on (or picking on someone else for […]

Ever since our kids first developed the ability to hear (by around 28 weeks after conception), the Doctor and the Dad have loved sharing music with them. There are lots of great scientific reasons to do it – music promotes kids’ language development, creativity and concentration, for example. But mostly we do it because it’s […]