If you like our website, we think you’ll love our first parenting book, Think Like a Baby: 33 Simple Research Experiments You Can Do at Home to Better Understand Your Child’s Developing Mind.
The book was officially released April 1, 2015 by Chicago Review Press – you can get your copy right now anywhere books are sold, or at these fine online retailers:
What the book is about:
Raising a baby is joyful, amazing…and ridiculously difficult. But with some insight into what’s actually going on inside your little one’s head, your job as a parent can become a little bit easier – and a lot more fun.
Child development expert Amber Ankowski, PhD, and her keeping-a-sense-of-humor expert husband Andy, are the parents of three young children, founders of the Doctor and the Dad website, and authors of this entertaining yet informative work that shows parents how to re-create classic child development experiments using items they have around the house.
These simple step-by-step experiments, designed for kids still in the womb up through age seven and beyond, help parents understand their children’s physical, cognitive, language, and social development better than any textbook ever could. Instead of just reading about how kids should be thinking and behaving at any given stage of development, parents can now see it for themselves – while interacting and having fun with their children at the same time!
Once you learn how to think like a baby, you’ll be ready to parent better than ever before – knowing why to always bring more than one toy to a restaurant, which baby gadgets to buy (and which ones to avoid), how to make kids perfectly happy eating just half of their dessert, and much more.
What people are saying about it:
“Think Like a Baby cleverly helps parents understand their baby’s development through the eyes of a scientist, see the wonder of their baby’s amazing accomplishments, and keep a sense of humor about raising kids.”
– Christia Spears Brown, PhD, author of Parenting Beyond Pink and Blue
“I highly recommend this book. It’s an easy read, with humor and a huge amount of information. As a mom of 4, I think I related and learned a few tips. Thank you.”
– Heather Udell, Amazon customer
“I loved this book! I tried some experiments on my 4.5 year old and she just thought it was a super fun game, and in fact requested we play “the game” over and over again! I also love how the authors write – a little bit of doctorly advice mixed with some lighthearted fun! I would highly reccommend this book to gain a little insight on what’s going on in the little one’s brain!”
– Elyssaw, Amazon customer
“This book is fascinating!! I learned a lot about my kids and their development. I loved trying some experiments with my 1 and 4 year old, and I can’t wait to try more experiments! The book is easy to follow, and it’s also really funny! This would be the perfect baby shower gift!! Highly recommend this book!”
– Megan B, Amazon customer
Where you can buy it:
Buy Think Like a Baby today anywhere books are sold, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Chicago Review Press!