Our last post gave you the real deal about birth order: First-born kids tend to have bigger vocabularies and higher IQs (mostly because they got a lot more one-on-one interaction with Mom and Dad back when they were the only game in town), while later-born kids tend to develop more creative and less verbal ways […]
Category: Research For ‘Rents
using psychology studies to pump up your parenting skills
Over the weekend, the Doctor and the Dad read an article on the always-popular BabyCenter blog titled “First-born children are smarter because…” by Joey Lombardi. The post seemed like it might give parents some useful information about if, why and how first-born kids end up smarter than their younger siblings. Unfortunately, Joey seemed to struggle […]
First off, let us just say that we know your kids are really smart. They’re basically geniuses, right? That thing that your son/daughter said the other day? It was both adorable and incredibly insightful about the human condition. Definitely Facebook-worthy. But be that as it may, your kids are still kids. And a lot of […]