Research For 'Rents

First-borns are smarter Part 2: Act your age

Our last post gave you the real deal about birth order: First-born kids tend to have bigger vocabularies and higher IQs (mostly because they got a lot more one-on-one interaction with Mom and Dad back when they were the only game in town), while later-born kids tend to develop more creative and less verbal ways […]

Research For 'Rents

First-borns are smarter Part 1: This cite is REAL!

Over the weekend, the Doctor and the Dad read an article on the always-popular BabyCenter blog titled “First-born children are smarter because…” by Joey Lombardi. The post seemed like it might give parents some useful information about if, why and how first-born kids end up smarter than their younger siblings. Unfortunately, Joey seemed to struggle […]

Research For 'Rents

How science can help you steal your kid’s Halloween candy

First off, let us just say that we know your kids are really smart. They’re basically geniuses, right? That thing that your son/daughter said the other day? It was both adorable and incredibly insightful about the human condition. Definitely Facebook-worthy. But be that as it may, your kids are still kids. And a lot of […]