Research For 'Rents

It’s family vacation time!

The Doctor and the Dad (and the Daughter and the Son) are on vacation this week. And let us tell you, it is awesome! If you and your brood haven’t taken a big, relaxing break together lately, you really owe it to yourselves to schedule one. Research shows that family vacations contribute positively to family bonding, […]

Research For 'Rents

Happy parents give a s***

Over the past few weeks we’ve given you some cool, research-based tips for pumping up your parental happiness, like this one and this one and this one too. Today we’re giving you one more tip…because giving makes us happy! You know how it feels to give someone a really great gift? You’ve gone out of your […]

Bad Baby Names

Bad Baby Name #13

Grandpa. #BadBabyNames #WeKnowOldFashionedNamesAreTrendyButThisIsGoingTooFar #PeeEwwSmellsLikeGrandpaNeedsHisDiaperChanged More Bad Baby Names on Twitter @DoctorAndDad!

The Junk Drawer

Parenting pyrotechnics

It’s extremely loud, more than a little scary, and over before you know it. Here’s what raising kids feels like, Fourth of July fireworks style! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Enjoy every second of it!